Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Regiment de Munster

Regiment de Spilberg
Regiment de Lutzebe

Leib Regiment

15mm figures by Dixons, Grenadier firing fur mitre.
Regiment de Maffei

Kur Prince Regiment

Figures are 15mm Dixon figures (from left to right: Officer, Standard Bearer and Musketeer). Click on photo to enlarge.
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Field exercise
Cheval: Concise Gendarmerie
Regiment de Concise
The standard is a rampant red lion on a white background. The uniform is Prussian blue with yellow facings and blue stockings (yellow for officers), the hat has a yellow lining. The drummer wears a yellow coat with blue facings and yellow stockings. The drum is red with white ropes.
Regiment de Villar Burquin
The men of the Regiment de Villar Burquin have mountain blood running through their viens, they all come from and around the steep hilled village of Villar Burquin. Many years they have climbed up and down the villages vinyards. They could probably march for days without rest.
The standard is a white horse upon a red background. The uniform is Prussian blue with white facings and brown stockings (yellow for officers). The tricorns are lined in grey (yellow for the drummer). The drummer wears a yellow coat, yellow stockings and blue facings. His drum is red with white ropes.
The battalion only carries one colour.
[15mm Essex figures from their Malburian range. The standard bear is converted from a Staff Sergeant (Essex) by adding a Dixon's flag to it. Click on the image to enlarge.]
Regiment de Giez
The standard: The crest of Giez, surmounted by a golden crown on a white background. The whole on top of the red and white stripes of Bourmont.
Patrick de St-Suplice
His idea was simple. He would train up troops and offer them as mercenaries to the highest bidder. Crops were poor, income low and few jobs for the young so his timing was perfect. He had thousands of young dissolutioned men who wanted adventure and he had the money to train them into highly tuned fighting machines.
From Pike to Shot